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Multi-language content filter

Multi-language content filter

Displaying text in multiple languages

The multi-language content filter enables resources to be created in multiple languages. When turned on, it looks for <span lang=”xx” class=”multilang”> tags which indicate that a text contains multiple languages. Then it selects and outputs the text in the user’s language (as set in their browser or in their preferences).

Enabling the multi-language content filter

An admin can enable the multi-language content filter as follows:

  1. Go to Site administration > Plugins > Filters > Manage filters and in the dropdown menu for multi-language content select ‘On’.
  2. If headings are to be shown in multiple languages too, select ‘Content and headings’ in the ‘Apply to’ column. Note that this may affect site performance.

How to use in a course

To use this feature first create your content in multiple languages (in the same resource). Then enclose each language block (aka multilang block) in the following tags:

      <span lang="XX" class="multilang">your_content_here</span>
      <span lang="YY" class="multilang">your_content_in_other_language_here</span>

It is essential to be in the code editing mode (press [<>] in the HTML editor), when you enter these tags for them to work. Only spaces, tabs and enters can be used between the individual languages in the multilang block.

Note: If your site uses a child language pack (see Language packs for the list), then the first span tag must be the parent language. Otherwise, when a user using the child language views the text, it will not be in the correct language for them (as reported in MDL-55197). For example, if your site uses en_us then the en span tag (as parent language) must be first i.e.

<span lang="en" class="multilang">your_content_in English</span>
<span lang="de" class="multilang">your_content_in_German_here</span>

How to use for assignment submission agreements

  1. With the filter enabled, go to Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Assignment > Assignment settings.
  2. In the submission statement, add (for example)
<span lang="en" class="multilang">This assignment is my own work, except where I have acknowledged the use of the works of other people.</span>
<span lang="fr" class="multilang">Ce devoir est le fruit de mon travail personnel, sauf aux endroits où l'utilisation d'oeuvre d'autres auteurs est clairement indiquée.</span> 

How it works internally

  1. Filter first looks for multilang blocks in the text
  2. For each multilang block:
    • If there are texts in the currently active language, print them
    • Else, if there exists texts in the current parent language, print them
    • Else, print the first language found in the text
  3. Text outside of multilang blocks will be shown always

Multi-Language Content (v2)


Go to “Site Administration >> Plugins >> Filters >> Manage filters” and enable the plugin there.

  • Create your contents in multiple languages.
  • Enclose every language content between {mlang NN} and {mlang} tags:
    {mlang XX}content in language XX{mlang}
    {mlang YY}content in language YY{mlang}
    {mlang other}content for other languages{mlang}
  • where XX and YY are the Moodle short names for the language packs (i.e., en, fr, de, etc.) or the special language name ‘other’.
  • Version 1.1.1 and later: a new enhanced syntax to be able to specify multiple languages for a single tag is now available. Just specify the list of the languages separated by commas:
  {mlang XX,YY,ZZ}Text displayed if current lang is XX, YY or ZZ, or one of their parent laguages.{mlang}